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Public Pond server at the WHF

Everyone can get a free account on our Pond server. Pond (still experimental!) realizes a new form of asynchronous message exchange (like E Mail), but... Read more

Call for support by Wau Holland Foundation

The Wau Holland Foundation published a call for support for WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning. You can read the full call here (in German). Read more

Transparency Report 2012 for Project 04: Enduring freedom of information (WikiLeaks)

This is the third transparency report published by the Wau Holland Foundation for "Project 04: Enduring Freedom of Information" which supports WikiLeaks. The following table... Read more

World Day Against Cyber Censorship

The WHF protests again online censorship with "censored websites" on the World Day Against Cyber Censorship. Read more

Wau Holland Foundation at 29C3

The WHF will have its one area in the assembly section of the 29C3 in Hamburg. All congress participants are invited to talk the foundation... Read more

Charitable status of the Wau Holland Foundation Resumed

With a letter from the Hamburg tax authorities, the Wau Holland Foundation's charitable status (tax exemption) was reinstated, applying retroactively for 2011. Therefore all donations... Read more

Charitable status of the Wau Holland Foundation

History of the revocation The fiscal authorities in Kassel revoked [1] the charitable status of the Wau Holland Foundation (WHF) after an intervention by the... Read more

Charitable status

The tax office Hamburg-Nord turns down our appeal against the divestiture of our charitable status for the year 2010. Read more