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NSA surveillance of German communications

Panel Discussion with William Binney, NSA-Whistleblower and Klaus Eichner, former Stasi-Officer on Thursday, Mai 15th 2014, 7:30 pm at the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Friedrichstraße... Read more

Open letter to the Federal Government of Germany

According to media reports the Federal Minister of Economics said on March 31st, 2014, in Berlin, that he is sure that US secret services would... Read more

The Surveillance Teach-In Part 2: Berlin

An evening event with NSA-Whistleblower William Binney, Jacob Appelbaum and Laura Poitras, moderated by Andy Müller-Maguhn. William Binney worked with the National Security Agency for... Read more

Vision paper of the YBTI working group released

YouBrokeTheInternet, or YBTI is an initiative whose work focuses on the next-generation of Internet. Snowden's revelations have shown that the previously supported projects Secushare and... Read more

Outrageous attempt to censor

The German Ministry of internal affairs (Bundesministerium des Innern / BMI) is currently trying to prevent the publication of documents by the platform "" by... Read more

Everything is Wau, except for zero!

Watch Video Wau used to jokingly say "Everything is one, except for zero" when talking about his data-Buddhism. And after this nice video from Vihart... Read more

Press release from #youbroketheinternet

Between Christmas and New Year's an international group of Hackers and cryptography experts will meet-up at the 30th annual Chaos Communication Congress, the 30C3, in... Read more

WHF sponsorship for Tor Exit Nodes

The Wau Holland Foundation - in close cooperation with the Tor project - sponsors the operation of Tor exit nodes. Operators running a high-bandwidth exit... Read more