Subj: Re: [FYI] eCommerce unterschaetzt
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 03:02:46
From: Wau Holland <>
Bereits als ich mithalf, den ersten Computer bei den Gruenen zu installieren, Data General mit 10 MB Festwechselplatte und 1600 dpi Magnetbandstation, im Raum mit der Fettecke von Joseph Beuys (damals gab es noch keinen CCC), habe ich den Satz von Beuys "Jeder Mensch ein Kuenstler" umgedreht zu "Jeder Mensch ein Unternehmer", weil mir das Prinzip Selbstaendigkeit wichtiger war als ein "Arbeitnehmerstatus".
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More than a decade after the fact, accusations of "data dumping" are still casually thrown at Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, and their alleged source whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Yet it has long been clear that this is not an accurate reflection of how the material - particularly the U.S. diplomatic cable set - was handled by WikiLeaks and its international media partners. Based on publicly available articles and documents, we offer a two-page summary of what occurred during 2010 to 2011. Read more
With the arrest of Julian Assange on April 11, 2019 from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, the Wau Holland Foundation («WHS») board of directors decided to collect donations towards the legal defense against the U.S. extradition request. Read more
In a letter dated 26.6.2024, the Hamburg-Nord tax office withdrew their decision to revoke the Wau-Holland Foundation's charitable status for 2020. The foundation is allowed to issue donation receipts again. Read more
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