Subj: Re: ENFOPOL vs. NATO (was: Re: Selbstanzeigen-Kampagne)
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 09:53:55
From: Wau Holland <>

Manchmal ist Krieg einfach Krieg und kein deutungswuerdiges Objekt. "Stell Dir vor es ist Krieg und alle schauen zu" wurde frueher mal gespottet und es trifft irgendwie zu.

Wau Holland Foundation

Preserving and furthering Wau Holland's unique ideas of free-thinking in the fields of freedom of communication and informational self-determination.

Featured Projects

Informational Self-Determination
As commercial 'social' network services like Facebook abuse user-contributed contents and personal information as an asset to gain financial profit, the Wau Holland Foundation funds projects like p≡p, GnuPG, SecuShare, Unhosted, GnuNET and Psyc that support the informational self-determination of the users in social networks.
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Katzenpost is a free software project that develops libraries for mix network protocols. A mix network is a secure and anonymous communication system, even if the network traffic is intercepted. The project is also working on an encrypted chat client that communicates over the mix network.
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Julian Assange
Julian Assange is the founder and long-time editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks and is persecuted by the American judiciary. He is threatened by extradition to the USA and a trial there because of his journalistic activities.
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Recent News

Non-profit status for 2020 withdrawn by the tax office

In a letter dated February 26, 2024, the Hamburg-Nord tax office revoked the non-profit status of the Wau-Holland-Stiftung (WHS) for 2020; the WHS will appeal this decision. Until this matter has been resolved, the foundation may no longer issue receipts for incoming donations. Read more

Support for the Katzenpost project

The Wau Holland Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Katzenpost project in September 2023 and is now supporting the project in the further development and deployment of the Katzenpost mix network. Read more

Events on freedom of the press and WikiLeaks

The Wau-Holland-Foundation - in cooperation with the Linke Medienakademie e.V. organizes a series of events on the topics of freedom of the press, repression in journalism and whistleblowing. Read more

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Wau Holland Foundation

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