Wau Holland Foundation

Project Area: 00

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Hacker Archive (archive of contempory technology)

When asked “Doesn’t it make you angry that the Chaos Computer Club might be bugged by secret services and so on?” Wau Holland always replied with a smile: “No, they archive for my grandchildren.”

We don’t know whether such an archive really exists or not, but it doesn’t matter if it’s not open to the public. It should remain more from a time in which hackers decisively influenced the (German) computer culture. At least more than fading memories, a few television films, a few books and enough myths and legends. Open to the public, of course.

The Wau Holland Foundation and the Chaos Computer Club want to open such an archive of the hacker movement in a joint project. The project is long-term and divided into several sections and time phases. There will be two archive areas, the physical and the electronic archive.