Hamburg and Zurich, Dec 27th, 2017
Dear members of the press,
As of now, donations to the p≡p foundation can also be made through the Wau Holland Foundation. On their website the Wau Holland Foundation enables donations to a list of selected projects. The p≡p foundation deems it an honour to now be on this list of eligible projects. By selecting the project title “Mass Encryption - pretty Easy privacy (p≡p)” here: http://www.wauland.de/en/donation.html, donations will be forwarded to the p≡p foundation. Incoming funds will for instance be used for an emulation of GNUnet (https://gnunet.org/) to test and improve its scalability. This emulation is a prerequisite for the integration of GNUnet in the p≡p software in order to protect not only the content of digital communication but also and for the first time – in radically decentralized fashion – its meta data (who communicates with whom and when etc.).
Thanks to the cooperation of the two foundations, money collected from within the EU is tax-deductible.
The Wau Holland Foundation is related to the Chaos Computer Club and was launched by close friends and the father of the deceased “information philosopher” Wau Holland (a.k.a. Herwart Holland-Moritz). The Wau Holland Foundation aims to preserve and further Holland’s unique ideas of free-thinking in the fields of freedom of communication and informational self-determination.
The p≡p foundation advocates Privacy. p≡p stands for pretty Easy privacy (pEp) and is radically easing the use of end-to-end cryptographic tools for written digital communication channels (like e.g. email with OpenPGP-compliant encryption and messaging with OTR/XMPP). Ultimately, p≡p wants to change the default in written digital communications to encrypted, verified and anonymised (“Privacy by Default”). The p≡p foundation is a non-profit, tax-free foundation based in Switzerland. https://pep.foundation