The first nationwide "Chaos macht Schule" ("Chaos makes School") activists meeting, which was initiated and funded by the foundation, has taken place from 28-30th.10.2011. Chaos macht Schule is an initiative created by members of the Chaos Computer Club eV in 2008. The project collaborates with different local educational institutions in order to bring media literacy and a better understanding of technology to pupils, parents and teachers. You can read more about the project here.
Activists from Berlin, Dresden, Duisburg, Essen, Göttingen, Hamburg, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, München and Paderborn participated in the meeting. Inspired by this event the foundation created the Project 05, called "AlphaBITisierung", in order to be able fund projects related to media literacy and the understanding of technology on a regular basis and to be able to collect specific funds for these topics.
The Wau Holland Foundation also funded hardware workshops for a young audience at the "Datenspuren 2011" (Dresden) and "Easterhegg 2012" (Basel) conferences. These workshops were initiated and facilitated by musician Alwin Weber. Tables were prepared with the necessary tools to learn how to mount a little electronic construction kit which would make squeaking noises if mounted correctly and could be used as a music instrument.
The workshops were well attended and the foundation will continue to build its support for playful initiation to electronics hardware projects for a young audience within the Project 05 "AlphaBITisierung".